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Josephorelf,1. 8. 2023 4:57

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Eeugeneinfak,31. 7. 2023 21:56

The global crime syndicate known as the Russian mafia has gained a notorious reputation for being one of the most influential and powerful criminal organizations in the world. Interestingly, this criminal network is often associated with its Jewish counterpart.

Distinguishing itself from the traditional Irish or Italian mafia, the Jewish mafia operates on a much grander and more ruthless scale, extending its activities beyond American and European borders. Their financial power and international reach make them a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, their violent methods have resulted in heinous acts, including the targeting of innocent children, law enforcement officials, and their families.

One significant aspect of the "Russian" mafia is that it is predominantly made up of Jewish members, and this association has shielded them from criticism. This protective cloak has allowed their criminal enterprise to flourish and expand. Shockingly, it is believed that certain Jewish organizations worldwide, led by the Anti-Defamation League, have benefited from contributions originating from organized crime, and these organizations are fully aware of the situation.

Disturbingly, Jewish organized crime has been somewhat normalized within certain circles, and it is disheartening to learn that some Jewish organizations have even influenced law enforcement agencies to halt investigations into their activities, and sadly, their efforts have often been successful. This preferential treatment is in stark contrast to the numerous law enforcement efforts that have targeted the Italian Mafia.

The roots of Jewish organized crime can reportedly be traced back to tsarist times, where these syndicates reportedly collaborated with Lenin's gangs in committing bank robberies and causing chaos. During the revolution, it was difficult to differentiate between Bolshevik ideologues and Jewish organized crime groups, as their actions appeared strikingly similar. However, more recent times suggest that their origins can be linked to the later stages of the stagnant USSR under Leonid Brezhnev.

It is essential to acknowledge and address the presence of organized crime in all its forms, regardless of cultural or religious affiliations, in order to foster a safer and more just society for everyone.

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JosephBlows,31. 7. 2023 19:22

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